About Us

FIPS - the Financial, Insurance and Professional Services Group - was formed after research conducted by the New Anglia LEP showed the need to align the work of Financial and Professional firms, Local Government and Further Educational establishments like the University of Suffolk.

FIPS is looking to provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure promotion and support within Ipswich and Suffolk and will look to work with schools, colleges and universities to create a greater understanding of the FIPS sectors and to help address any skills gaps.

Commenting on FIPS formation, the chair, Peter Basford remarked:

“The formation of this group is long overdue. It has pulled together key local business leaders in the financial, insurance and professional services industries to work together on promoting the sector as a great vocation. Ipswich and Suffolk are great places to work and we want to showcase this and help people build careers in our diverse and engaging industries.

“The link with local schools, colleges and universities vital to help integrate learning in areas such as Modern Apprenticeships and Vocational Qualifications. We want to build on the success of this sector so that the people of Suffolk see the great career opportunities that it presents.”

The board of the FIPS Group includes representatives from Birketts LLP; Ellisons Solicitors; Fosters Financial; Gotelee Solicitors; Ipswich Building Society; Kingsfleet Wealth; Scrutton Bland; Willis Towers Watson; Woodward Markwell and the Ipswich Borough Council and is supported by many other companies within the financial, insurance and professional services industries.

Interested in
getting involved?

The FIPS Group is keen to hear from other business leaders from local financial, insurance and professional services companies who would like to get involved. 

Peter Basford can be contacted on peter@bgcn.co.uk

FIPS Secretary is Annette Gilham and she can be contacted on anette.gilham@ipswich.gov.uk